SassafrasSassafras Secret Santa...Revisited!Remember Operation Secret Santa from late December? Well, we have several updates to share on the blog this week. We’re thrilled to share...
SassafrasSassafras Secret SantaIt’s the season of giving and Sassafras Marketing is committed to making an impact on our communities this year. From Jacksonville to...
SassafrasOur Favorite Small Businesses to Support this Holiday Season and BeyondAs you begin checking holiday gifts off your list this year, be sure to consider small businesses in your shopping. Now more than ever,...
SassafrasClosing Ceremonies: A Recap of Our Virtual Fall Team MeetingAs 2020 winds down, and not much has changed in terms of the pandemic, we made the decision to host our bi-annual team meeting virtually...
SassafrasBehind the Scenes of Sassafras’ Virtual Team PhotoshootSassafras seized an opportunity that had been on our radar for quite a while: to spend a little time on ourselves! We set out in March...
SassafrasWelcome Group Account Director Jawan to the Sassafras TeamSassafras hasn’t seen team growth like this since 2018–and man, are we excited! Jawan joined our team officially as of April 1, and we’re...