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Fond for February: 7 Reasons Why We Love Our Jobs

In honor of Valentine’s Day and February, the month of love, we thought we’d celebrate our love for our Sassafras jobs! Sassafras Marketing aims to create a powerful, fun and friendship-oriented team.  It’s downright lovely working for an employer that values the mental and physical health of its employees! Ours does its best to ensure employees see the value of their contribution to the agency.

Why does this matter? There are ups and downs in every journey, and sometimes we’re met with challenges. Lucky for us, the relationships, support and atmosphere of a quality company can make even major hiccups seem minor.

We came up with a list of things that Sassy team members mentioned doing that keep the flame burning and keep them coming back for more! We asked, “What helps you love your job?”

Here’s what some of the team members said:

  1. We keep a strong work-life balance. Volunteer! Do good for others. This was a common one that came up repeatedly. And we really are defined by more than our careers. Our employees can be found supporting local charities like The Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas City, fostering puppies and even supporting the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville, AR!

  2. We keep a strong work-life balance, part 2: Play hard! It must be something in the water, but our Sassy staffers love the outdoors. You’ll find our crew biking, hiking, kayaking, walking, running, beaching and enjoying the outdoors when we’re not hard at work! We work hard and play hard and this contributes to happy people.

  3. We take regular breaks. This is really important to us as we work remotely. Structured days featuring regular breaks, healthy lunches and a brisk walk help each of us be the most productive we can be!

  4. We feel supported by leadership. CEO Jenny Holton does a phenomenal job of building and motivating our team. She incorporates biannual agency meetings, daily calls, video conferencing and even a new health/wellness challenge to keep us all motivated and connected.

  5. We have a consistent vision. And we want to (and do) feel like we’re part of something bigger than work output. Our challenge is this: create best-in-class, uber-creative storytelling and design for our clients. This vision moves us forward and keeps us hungry to constantly outdo ourselves.

  6. We are regularly praised and encouraged to give feedback. It feels good to be recognized for a job well done, and it is empowering knowing that you have a voice and will be heard. Both are true of our work environment.

  7. We really, really like each other! Even though our agency is virtual, we work together and collaborate on client projects multiple times (in multiple ways) every day. We have a common vision and share a special brand of creative hustle that can’t be matched!

We hope your February is filled with happiness and love ♥


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