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Logos & Branding: Telling Your Company Story through Design

Telling the story of your brand begins with the right logo. Serving as a first impression for new customers, and a recognizable mark for existing customers, your logo helps your brand stand out and gain recognition as the type of business you represent.

There’s more to a logo than a mark

Did you know visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than words and have a 55% retention rate? With statistics like that, it's clear to see why a thoughtful visual brand identity plays a crucial role in shaping how customers will view, and remember, your business when considering their needs.

Take the logos for Google and eBay, for example. A cheerful logo with bright colors or illustrations can suggest a brand that’s more playful, while using a straightforward, professional typeface implies a more buttoned-up approach to work.

Let’s consider the insurance sector. At first glance, this may seem like a better candidate for no-nonsense logos and branding, but with thoughtful strategy you can create a memorable, unique impression in any sector. Is Geico coming to mind? If so, you wouldn’t be alone in that. Thanks to the creative branding behind the Geico gecko (whom some people believe is secretly called Martin after the agency who created him), this quirky lizard, whatever his true name may be, is now a household icon.

Businesses looking to develop a new logo or branding need to carefully consider the message they intend to communicate. So, it’s easy to understand why many companies turn to outside marketing professionals to assist in this creation. Enlisting the help of an agency provides a full team of professional branding experts to properly determine a strategic approach to design and ensure the final product properly represents your brand.

Here at Sassafras, we don’t just tell your story, we design it!

Our marketing team prides itself on collective, creative genius and works together to ideate, design, and deliver branding that will properly reflect the essence of your brand — and hand it straight to the waiting consumer. By carefully considering your audience, product, and vision, Sassafras will drill to the heart of your brand and how it best speaks to your customers.

If your business is considering a new logo or brand refresh, let us help you create an effect that’s guaranteed to be clear, memorable and easily-reproducible across digital, print and other essential mediums. We can’t wait to help tell your brand story! Contact us today at


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