Here’s a fun fact about Sassafras Marketing that you might not know: we design A LOT of cups! We work on a lot of cinema business and with that comes the design and management of concession programs and cup and tub designs. Last year, though, we had the opportunity to work on a cup design for a slightly different customer and industry: Six Flags.
Six Flags and Coca-Cola wanted to update the look of their stock cup and incorporate sip & scan® technology on the cup. They wanted a way to engage and bring opportunities for guests to win prizes and enter sweeps via the technology on the cup. Here’s a little more about what sip & scan® is and how it works. If you ever see the Coca-Cola sip & scan® icon on point of sale, packaging, or other items, grab your phone and play along!
When we started the design of the cup, we brainstormed different pathways the design could go and from there initially presented 4-5 design options to the client. After several rounds of tweaking and perfecting, the final cup was approved, put into production, and is now in Six Flags parks near you! The design was printed on 12oz, 16oz, 22oz, and 32oz cups.
One fun yet subtle design feature we incorporated was the way the coaster is slightly different on each size cup. You’ll notice from the pictures below of the rendered cups, that each size cup features a different coaster. My personal favorite is the 22oz cup where the car is making the loop on the coaster.
12oz Cup Render
16oz Cup Render
22oz Cup Render
32oz Cup Render
And here’s another fun FYI about designing cups: Our designers layout the art in a flat cup template. Once a design is chosen, however, we render the flat art so that the design looks more realistic and everyone can have a glimpse at what the final output will look like. A lot of times, we’ll use the cup renders in other elements we create, including point of sale, digital signage, and more. Here’s what the flat art for the 22oz cup looks like:
Flat Cup Art
We hope you enjoyed today’s project spotlight. Next time you’re at a Six Flags, enjoy an ice-cold Coca-Cola out of a Sassafras-designed cup!