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Sassafras Team Prepares to Spring Into KC!

Spring is upon us and the folks at Sassafras Marketing are gearing up for our next team retreat and meeting in Kansas City! Since our team is virtual, we really value and look forward to our team meetings. (Read more about our virtual agency here.) These meetings are a great opportunity for the team to put our heads together and collaborate on new and innovative marketing and storytelling solutions. It’s also time to review the state of the agency and plan for the future. AND- we really like to have fun while we’re at it!

Even though we talk, chat, FaceTime, Skype, email and IM each other multiple times a day, it’s really nice to get together and make the magic happen in person! Sassafras-ers will be traveling to Kansas City from Kentucky, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Massachusetts and Kansas!

The skinny on the spring meeting

The spring meeting will be May 9-11 in suburban Kansas City–Lake Quivira and Lenexa, specifically. At our 2017 fall meeting, we spent time at Lenexa’s new Public Market– a super-cool food hall and market that happens to be located on the first floor of Lenexa’s new city hall. There are meeting spaces, locally-owned shops and awesome things to eat! We will definitely be spending time at Public Market come May.

As for specifics…we are a creative agency, after all, so our meetings are legendary. Team members can expect lots of creative brainstorming, idea exchanging, team activities and full-on frivolity. We work hard and have the “unwinding” part down pat, too!

Welcome, new Sassafras-ers!

Our upcoming meeting is a great time to welcome two new co-workers to our team! We’ll welcome Nadesha Ahn, Account Director & Laura Byrd, Associate Art Director. (We recently profiled Nadesha here.) We look forward to the fun and innovative ideas they’ll bring to the team, and are thrilled to connect as a whole team in a few weeks!

Work Milestones

We’ll clearly be doing a lot of celebrating as we first welcome our new team members. Then, as we always do, we will be celebrating work anniversaries.  The following occur the first half of 2018:

  1. Andrea Oliver – 8 years

  2. Tara Mercado – 4 years

  3. Sarah McNamara – 3 years

  4. Trevor Barley – 2 years

  5. Shannon Redding  – 1 year

  6. Ashley Scherzer – 1 year

Finally, we will also be concluding our 6-month Steppin’ It Up for Wellness challenge and the winning team will get to go on an extended weekend getaway to a location to be determined.

CEO and Sassafras founder Jenny Holton always does a great job of setting the tone for a productive yet fun environment! In past meetings, we’ve been treated to some great guest speakers, eaten more delicious food than we care to recount and really just enjoyed each other’s company. We do this while learning, working and doing in the most creative way possible! We’ve found that these meetings are a win-win. We feel re-energized and invigorated to continue growing as a team…and our clients benefit too!

Welcome again to the team, Nadesha and Laura- can’t wait to see everyone in KC in a few weeks!Be sure to Follow us on Facebook and be looking for pics from our May team meeting.


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