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Meet Sassafras Account Manager Sara Kinslow!

Say Hello to Sara!

It’s truly a team effort here at Sassafras Marketing, and from time to time, we like featuring one of our amazing team members on our blog.  Today, you’ll meet Sara Kinslow, one of our Account Managers. Keep checking back in the future as we’ll feature each one of our team members so you can get to know the Sassafras team, one by one!

  1. What do you like most about working at Sassafras? Without a doubt, the fine folks that make up our team. I consider myself fortunate to work with such a kind, talented, and entertaining group of people.

  2. Your hometown postcard—what’s on it? The Blue & Green Bridges, Giovanni’s Pizza and Central Park.

  3. Who is your hero and why? My mom. She is intelligent, fair, determined, caring and the hardest worker I know. She has always pushed me to be the best version of myself.

  4. What book are you reading right now? Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay by Elena Ferrante.

  5. Name an interesting thing about yourself that others might not know. I was the co-leader of a Brownie troop with one of my good friends in my mid-twenties.

  6. What is your favorite website or app? The Sephora app. Makeup and skincare products are my guilty pleasure. is a favorite too. I could look at houses online all day long!

  7. Is there a particular project or work product you are most proud of? I enjoy the variety of projects I get to work on so it is difficult to pinpoint a favorite.

  8. Describe your ideal Saturday.  Sleeping in and then a big, country breakfast at Mamie’s Kitchen in Bardstown with my husband and boys. Spending the rest of the day outside at a park and then grilling out at home with friends.

  9. You’re leaving town for a very, very long time…where would you dine for your last meal and what would you eat? Probably at Jack Fry’s for the burger and fries or picking up an order of tacos from the Las Gorditas food truck.

Wanna contact Sara? Feel free to reach out to her directly via email at

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