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Welcome Our Newest Account Manager Jennifer!

Sassafras is excited to introduce to you our new Account Manager, Jennifer! Jennifer is from the Kansas City area and brings a wealth of knowledge and client management experience from previous roles. It’s always fun getting to welcome new members on board and share them with all of you! Here’s a little more about Jennifer:

What do you like most about working at Sassafras?

The team. Everyone has been so welcoming, fun and open to answering any questions that I might have.

Your hometown postcard—what’s on it?

I’ve called the KC area home for my whole life, so the postcard would include the Kansas Jayhawks, KC Royals, Superbowl Champion Chiefs, good BBQ, and the Plaza skyline.

Who is your hero and why?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg since college and all of my pre-law classes, but even more after her autobiography In My Own Words.

What book are you reading right now?

Becoming by Michelle Obama—the audiobook.

Name an interesting thing about yourself that others might not know.

I have now climbed to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge! It was a lifelong dream.

What is your favorite web site or app?

The Amazon app; or the Target app. I should probably delete both off my phone.

Is there a particular project or work product you are most proud of?

I’m proud of anything I’ve worked on where processes or communications are made easier. I look forward to working with the Sassafras team to create some great things!

Describe your ideal Saturday!

A late spring or early fall day getting breakfast, taking the dog to the dog park, attending a soccer game for the kids, and then spending time with family and friends in the evening playing games.

You’re leaving town for a very, very long time…where would you dine for your last meal and what would you eat?

Probably BBQ since I think Kansas City does it best. We’d eat at Q39 and I’d have a pulled pork sandwich, fries, beans, and a beer.


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