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Meet Sara Rhodes, Sassafras Marketing Account Director!

It’s truly a team effort here at Sassafras Marketing, and from time to time, we like featuring one of our amazing team members in our blog.  Today, you’ll meet Sara Rhodes, one of our Account Directors.  Keep checking back in the future as we’ll feature each one of our team members in the blog!  Get to know the Sassafras team, one by one!

What do you like most about working at Sassafras?

The team and the collaborative nature of the work.

Your hometown postcard—what’s on it?

Family vacay to California or Colorado

Who is your hero and why?

My mom for raising my sister and me as a single mom.

What book are you reading right now?

Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger

Name an interesting thing about yourself that others might not know.

I lost my birth certificate in Cancun in high school. Fortunately, I made it back in the country but often wonder if there is someone in Mexico running around named Sara Goldman (my maiden name).

What is your favorite website or app?

The face swap app!

Is there a particular project or work product you are most proud of?

I like the variety

Describe your ideal Saturday!   

Kayaking with my family and then dinner and drinks with friends

You’re leaving town for a very, very long time…where would you dine for your last meal and what would you eat?

Piropos (Argentinian restaurant). Steak and a glass of wine.

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